How does Sun Life properly manage participating accounts to meet policyholders' expectations?
1. Strict regulatory
The projected figures of dividends/bonuses on illustration of each product have been gone through strict and meticulous calculations by forecasting the economic environment and investment returns in the next few decades. Under strict regulatory, Hong Kong insurance companies have strong business integrity and credit, and pay more attention to non-guaranteed dividends/bonuses.
External regulatory – Insurance Authority’s Guideline 16
Sun Life complies with Article 2.6 under Guideline 16 issued by Insurance Authority. The Board, on the advice of the Appointed Actuary, is ultimately responsible for interpretation of the policyholders’ reasonable expectation, and deciding the dividends/bonuses declaration, taking into account the principle of fair treatment of customers, and the issue of equity between shareholders and policyholders.
Internal regulatory
Sun Life reviews its dividend/bonus and accumulation interest rate of the policy at least once a year in accordance with the company’s dividend/bonus philosophy. Sun Life also follows the AGN9 guidelines of the Hong Kong Actuarial Society and appoints actuaries to determine best estimate assumptions with reference to past experience to determine dividends/bonuses in illustration.
2. Investment capabilities and risk management
Most participating products will invest in stocks, bonds, etc. in mature markets, and will change the investment asset allocation according to market conditions. Plans with higher guaranteed returns have a lower proportion of high-risk, high-yield assets; plans with lower guaranteed returns and higher expected returns have a higher proportion of high-risk, high-yield assets. At the same time, we will use derivatives to manage risks and add some alternative investment varieties to make the investment portfolio balanced and diversified.
3. Smoothing mechanism
Smoothing mechanism is applied to prevent dividend/bonuses would completely follow the rise and drop of investment performance in the same degree. In order to provide more stable bonuses to policyholders, the investment returns during good market conditions are actively retained as a buffer for future dividend/bonuses when the investment performance is poor, and unfavourable experience may be smoothed out over time. For products with a terminal/special bonus feature, adjustments to terminal/special bonus scales pass through experience normally with less smoothing applied.